Space Projects & Results

Do you need an overview of projects already financed by the European Commission?

The following two platforms provide information on (space) projects financed by the EC under Horizon Europe and the previous Framework Programmes

CORDIS – Projects and Results

The Projects and Results service is a one-stop shop for information on all EU-funded research projects and their results.

You can search and access all the European Commission’s information throughout the lifecycle of each project: the grant details, funding and participants, the project’s own report summaries and links to specific publications and other documents.

CORDIS project data includes Horizon 2020, Framework Programme Seven (FP7), FP6, FP5 and earlier programmes stretching back to 1990.

CORDIS – Projects and Results ↗


The Horizon Dashboard is an intuitive and interactive reporting platform, composed of a set of sheets that allows series of views to discover and filter the Horizon 2020 data.

The aim of the Horizon Dashboard is to facilitate data sharing, providing public access to real-time programme data in an easy, flexible and user-friendly manner.

Find out more about country-specific performance in EU R&I programmes: funding received, participations by region, top beneficiaries, collaboration with other countries, SME participation and more – all the information at your fingertips!

Specific view presenting H2020 figures in the context of the international cooperation, notably percentage of third-country participation in Horizon 2020, percentage of EU financial contribution attributed to third country participants and percentage of budget of topics (within a Work Programme) mentioning at least one third country or region.